The soles of your boots echo down the dark tunnel as you step inside...

This is your last chance! Get back to safety... While you can!
But if you're willing to stay...

You light a small fire on the cold stone floor and carefully lay your handheld weapons a safe distance away from it. You sit down and rub your cold hands together. It'll be a while before you'll want to keep going, so while you're here...
Just Who is Jack?
Jack is an eccentric. Often referred to as His Foul Tyranny, The Brain of The Lair, Madness The Boundless, among many others. It is said He is the man (?) behind the terrible Dungeon you are currently planning to conquer. Not much is known about His past... You remember overhearing the terrified mumbles of the unfortunate residents in one of the surrounding villages: I've heard if you venture far enough into His Lair... You might just find what material items he holds most dear! Rumors, rumors! The Lord of the Lair IS the Lair! No living, breathing being would be capable of harboring such power... Though... I did hear from credible sources that He can decide to allow you into the deeper levels of His Lair... And you'd never be heard from again!
You've heard all the rumors, and listened to none of them. It is said only the most worthy are even capable of setting foot on His Lair, only the strongest and most capable are barely able to survive the very first level. And only one warrior... will be the one to come back to tell the story. Only the most cunning, skilled, and determined of them all will claim the title of CONQUEROR OF THE LAIR.
...Though that's all they are. Rumors. You have everything to lose and everything to gain from entering this Dungeon, and Jack knows it. You became merely His plaything to toy with when you first got it in your mind that you would be the one to conquer His Lair. And that, you will do.
You suddenly hear scuttling in the darkness! what will you do?